This October Randy will be bringing his full arsenal of fight diagnostics to bear for a select squad of boxers/grapplers that wish to isolate problems in your game. Observe, diagnose, drill solutions. Go away stronger.
A one day training clinic you do not want to miss!
Targets of focus will be what you need the most. Popular boxing topics include: range manipulation, footwork, timing, clinch management etc, BJJ diagnostics dig into positional control, escapes, guard, and/or submission finishes.
Utilize the power of video. Gain an outside perspective into your methods and actions real-time. We record you sparring/rolling. Afterwards, as a group, we analyze the footage, and…
Employ our boxer/grappler principles. Randy will work with you to highlight where things went right, and wrong. Once he hones in on the most pressing problem(s)…
Implement the fix. Break off in small teams and take corrective action. Knock out reps and immediately drill the solution Randy provides to fix the problem impeding your success.
SQUAD SIZE - 10 Participants Only
Minimum 6 months plus experience recommended for participation.