Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Ground Fighting Basics I - Master Your Foundation

Ground Fighting Basics I - Master Your Foundation
  • Gain core strength.

  • Improve mobility and program your reflexes.

  • Master the building blocks to win the day.

Sweeps - Throws on the Ground - BJJ Training Course

Sweeps - Throws on the Ground - BJJ Training Course

Tossing an opponent like a salad. Pulling off a sweep in ground fighting is an exhilarating moment that fills us with monumental sense of victory. What comes next? These powerful moves are fundamental to our jiu-jitsu arsenal, yet are so often applied at the wrong time, or wrong place. In this course I’ll give you the tools to not only train your sweeps on your own, or with a partner, but how to successfully pull them off in live rolling.

Fight Chat with Jerry Liu of Fight Commentary Breakdowns

Fight Chat with Jerry Liu of Fight Commentary Breakdowns

Jerry Liu of 'Fight Commentary Breakdowns' & 'FC Chats' stopped by for a great discussion. Jerry runs some popular YouTube channels but has been a life long martial artist from Kung Fu as a kid, to Kempo, Muay Thai, and BJJ as he continues his journey. Join us as we go the rounds and attempt to change one another's minds, or agree on topics such as:

His Dark Roots - Interview with Stephen Kesting

His Dark Roots - Interview with Stephen Kesting

For this podcast my friend and BJJ Black Belt Stephen Kesting stops by to chat about his background in Judo, Kung Fu, and his eventual shift to BJJ. We also discuss the current state of BJJ, where it is heading, and wrap up with…

Guest Appearance: Fight Commentary Chats w/ Jerry Liu

Guest Appearance: Fight Commentary Chats w/ Jerry Liu

I recently had the privilege to be invited on Jerry’s new podcast - Fight Commentary Chats. Some of you may have come across Jerry already in your YouTube travels…

How to Defeat the BJJ Guard in 4 Easy Steps

How to Defeat the BJJ Guard in 4 Easy Steps

End the frustration!

Have you ever wanted to try one of the amazing submissions or sweeps from Brazilian jiu-jitsu and instead, spent the entire class stuck in guard? Do you find it impossible to pass guard because you cannot even break the guard in the first place? Do you routinely break guard on people your own size, only to be shutdown and back to square one against a larger opponent?

Countering the Hip Toss

Countering the Hip Toss

Ever been mistaken for a sack of potatoes? Do you dislike being dislodged from the earth you stand on, turned upside down and dropped on your head or back? Here’s a little tip to counter that nasty hip toss throw your opponent might try out of mistaken identity, or something more nefarious.

Size Matters in BJJ!!! - The Omaplata Submission

Size Matters in BJJ!!! - The Omaplata Submission

Here are a few tips if you are a smaller grappler trying to submit larger opponents with the omoplata submission from Brazilian jiu-jitsu. This can drastically alter our success rate for finishing, rather than struggling to combat height, strength, and counters.

"You Don't Know Me!" - Confession of a Fat A$$ Kung Fu Guy

"You Don't Know Me!" - Confession of a Fat A$$ Kung Fu Guy

Too often in life, we assume we know someone’s whole life by simply looking at them in the here and now instead of walking in their shoes. Looking at me now, you are probably unaware that I have struggled with my weight since I was 12 years old. Roller coaster rides on the scale. Battles with eating disorders. Chasing diets. Trying to exercise my way out of a bad diet. Here is a story of my struggle with weight. Other people out there have it far worse, but if my story can help someone, then I am happy to share it.

"Don't Touch Me" - Why I Hated BJJ

"Don't Touch Me" - Why I Hated BJJ

As I’m sure some of you can understand, the idea of having to work closely with someone else, especially on the ground, used to 'skeeve me out'. There is a stark differential between what I was accustomed to - striking, kicking, and takedowns, in contrast to rolling around on the ground with another human being while wearing pajamas, or skin tight clothing. In the world of hindsight is 20/20…

Size Matters in BJJ!!! - Part 3 - Breaking Closed Guard

Size Matters in BJJ!!! - Part 3 - Breaking Closed Guard

Here's one of my favorite closed guard breaks, and why it is horrible for taller vs. smaller. If you do use this BJJ escape, here is the answer to 'why isn't my closed guard break working?' Enjoy this next installments in our Size Matters series. This is a must see if you are trying to break a smaller grapplers closed guard.

Guest Appearance: Real Fake Swords and Fake Real Swords - Episode 61: Randy Brown the Senior Clinching Mantis

Guest Appearance: Real Fake Swords and Fake Real Swords - Episode 61: Randy Brown the Senior Clinching Mantis

Sifu Randy Brown is the instructor of Vincent Tseng, with 20 years of experience in the style of Praying Mantis as well as 7 years of Brazilian Jujitsu, he was able to make the 2 arts complement each other. In this episode we explore his background as well as the past and present state of Chinese martial arts and modern combat sports.”

What Can BJJ Teach Us About Qing Dynasty Martial Arts? - Randy Brown - MAS Conference 2019

What Can BJJ Teach Us About Qing Dynasty Martial Arts? - Randy Brown - MAS Conference 2019

This podcast is a re-recording of a talk I gave at the 5th Annual Martial Arts Studies Conference held at Chapman University in Los Angeles, California in May 2019. The event was hosted by Dr. Paul Bowman, and Dr. Andrea Molle. A two day extravaganza of martial arts history, politics, and culture. There is amazing research into the martial arts taking place around the globe today. It was an honor to be a part of this significant event, and contribute in some small way to the Martial Arts Research Network. Below is a copy of the…

A Dark Start: What Happened in My Early Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Journey?

A Dark Start: What Happened in My Early Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Journey?

What I am about to share with you, is my early journey into Brazilian jiu-jitsu. My first attempts were not exactly a ringing endorsement of the art. What happened to me? What can you learn from my experience? Why did I keep trying after all of this?

Size Matters!!! - Part 2 - Spider Guard

Size Matters!!! - Part 2 - Spider Guard

Part 2 of our new series on how size affects your martial arts. This is another one for BJJ - Spider Guard. There are some important…

Size Matters!!! - Part 1 - Turtle Position

Size Matters!!! - Part 1 - Turtle Position

New series we're releasing on size matters. When doing martial arts of any kind, size is a determining factor in what moves will work, and what…

Kids Boxing Immersion Camp - Summer 2019

Kids Boxing Immersion Camp - Summer 2019

Dive deep into your martial arts for one week of awesome training over the summer of 2019!!! The first camp of its kind that is designed just for you.

Watch your skills ‘rocket off of this world’ in a concentrated training environment surrounded by teammates and friends, new and old.

Train with one another to learn, improve, and grow your skills like you’ve never seen before. In between training blocks, play challenge games that include capture/hunt & stealth/evasion. Woodland exploration. Learn archery, staff fighting and more.

6 Submission for 6 Positions - Side Control

6 Submission for 6 Positions - Side Control

Part of your journey in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the transition from surviving, to defending, to getting to a dominant position. Position before submission is crucial for getting a successful submission on our opponent. But what happens when we first…

Essay: Rise from the Ruins

Essay: Rise from the Ruins

An Essay on my Early Years in Chinese Boxing Dance

Martial arts forms (kata, tào lù) are more plentiful today than in any time in history. They are widely disseminated in a variety of martial arts schools/styles across the United States, and around the world. A majority of ‘traditional martial arts’ competitions today, are centered around stylists competing with their form of choice. One is hard pressed to enter a school of karate, kung fu; kempo, tae kwon do; or tang soo do, etc. that isn’t consumed by a curricula filled with form after form. Once you complete one form, you’ve earned the ‘privilege’ to learn another...and another...and another.

Years into my training, I went on to scorn these empty shells. For quite some time actually. One reason I held such admonishment toward ‘forms’, was having…

The CHAINS of CLOSED GUARD - An Attack Strategy for Resistant BJJ Opponents

The CHAINS of CLOSED GUARD - An Attack Strategy for Resistant BJJ Opponents

The closed guard is considered a dominant position in BJJ. Unfortunately, for most of us as we progress in the art, it devolves into nothing more than holding someone in place. We try the basic attacks we learn, but someone with very little knowledge can…