Countering the Hip Toss

Countering the Hip Toss

Ever been mistaken for a sack of potatoes? Do you dislike being dislodged from the earth you stand on, turned upside down and dropped on your head or back? Here’s a little tip to counter that nasty hip toss throw your opponent might try out of mistaken identity, or something more nefarious.

How to Escape the Clinch

How to Escape the Clinch

We were in Los Angeles last week for the 5th annual Martial Arts Studies Conference, and after it wrapped up, we dropped in on Sensei Ando at his location. While there, I showed some 'clinch escapes' that I like. Ando asked me to come home and share the follow-up to the escapes - takedowns!!!

Mantis Clinch Counters with Sensei Ando @ Happy Life Martial Arts

Mantis Clinch Counters with Sensei Ando @ Happy Life Martial Arts

In this video Ando suffers through some neck puncturing on my behalf (and a possible stab wound) so we can cover some of the clinch escapes that don’t work all the time, along with some more reliable ones that I prefer. Thanks for watching!

Coach Holly hanging with Sensei Ando @ Happy Life Martial Arts

Coach Holly hanging with Sensei Ando @ Happy Life Martial Arts

We had the honor of visiting with Ando from Happy Life Martial Arts in Los Angeles this past weekend. Aside from the great hospitality and amazing company, we had some time for a quick tour of his stomping grounds, as well as shooting a video or two. Here is Coach Holly showing some of her tips for the scissor clip with Sensei Ando!

The Rowing Hook 2 - 7 Star

The Rowing Hook 2 - 7 Star

Here's a second variation of the rowing hook maneuver found in mantis boxing forms. This time…

The Rowing Hook - A Flank Takedown

The Rowing Hook - A Flank Takedown

This is a unique throw that shows up in some Chinese boxing styles such as Mantis Boxing and Shuai Jiao. In mantis boxing it appears in forms as a single leg stance and what seems to be an…

Mantis Captures Prey Takedowns

Mantis Captures Prey Takedowns

Trapping the elbow as our opponent shoots for the underhook. They go for the position under the arm to try and set up a variety of throws, or gain positional control. What we have lying in wait for them…

Change Moon - Clinch Takedown

Change Moon - Clinch Takedown

Change Moon is an alternate throw from the clinch. Sometimes our attempts at…

Diagonal Flying

Diagonal Flying

When grappling in the flank position, and tied up, Flying Diagonal showed up as a good counter to our opponent’s counter for Double Seal Hands, or in general -