Lǒu 摟

Mantis Clinch Counters with Sensei Ando @ Happy Life Martial Arts

Mantis Clinch Counters with Sensei Ando @ Happy Life Martial Arts

In this video Ando suffers through some neck puncturing on my behalf (and a possible stab wound) so we can cover some of the clinch escapes that don’t work all the time, along with some more reliable ones that I prefer. Thanks for watching!

Countering the Clinch (Lǒu 摟) - FRAME! FRAME!! FRAME!!!

Countering the Clinch (Lǒu 摟) - FRAME! FRAME!! FRAME!!!

The clinch can be a nasty place to be stuck. When our opponent is larger, and/or stronger, and has their hooks on our neck, some of our escapes can be difficult to…

Clinch (Lǒu 摟) - 2 of 12 - The Keywords of Mantis Boxing

Clinch (Lǒu 摟) - 2 of 12 - The Keywords of Mantis Boxing

Clinch (Lǒu 摟) is the second of the 12 keywords of Mantis Boxing. The keyword formula houses the principles that define the art. They have been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years.

Clinch is when we move from kicking and striking, to being tied up in the…