Escaping the Mount

Welcome to the Mount Escape Training Course. Let’s start off with the basics for solid mount escapes. Over time we’ll increase complexity and challenge so you can train the movement patterns necessary to adapt to a resistant opponent. What does this mean?

Often our first mount escape attempt can and will fail under pressure. Building the correct kinesthetic response to become a secondary reaction, is a trainable skill without a partner. We’ll cross that bridge (no pun intended) when we get to it. For now, let’s get started on the basics for mount escapes.


A Beginner’s Guide to Mount Escapes

You may want to start by downloading and reviewing this helpful guide on escaping the mount. This will familiarize you with the terminology and positions/escapes we are going to cover in this course. Enjoy!


Start Here

Basic Mount Escape Movements

Lesson 1 - Bridge and Roll


Lesson 2 - Hip & Elbow Escape


Defend the Position

Low Post
Trap, Bridge, and Roll


High Post
Trap, Bridge, and Roll


Arms Pinned
Trap, Bridge, and Roll

Mount Escapes Training - Mission 1

Basic Mount Escape & Defending the Position

This mission is designed to be repeated as many times as you feel necessary. If using as a review, perform less reps.

  1. Choose a Warm-Up before proceeding with this training mission.

  2. Over the Shoulder touches - Perform this 50x.

  3. Bridge and Roll - Perform this 50x.

  4. Hip Escape - Perform this 50x.

  5. Low Post Trap-Bridge-Roll - Perform this 50x.

  6. High Post Trap-Bridge-Roll - Perform this 50x.

  7. Arms Pinned Trap-Bridge-Roll - Perform this 50x.


Head Lock
Trap, Bridge, and Roll


Trap, Bridge, and Roll

Mount Escapes Training - Mission 2

Trap-Bridge-Roll to Hip Escape

It is recommended that you are comfortable with the Trap-Bridge-Roll and Hip Escape techniques before proceeding to this mission. This mission is designed to be repeated as many times as you feel necessary. If using as a review, perform less reps.

  1. Choose a Warm-Up before proceeding with this training mission.

  2. Headlock Trap-Bridge-Roll - Perform this 50x.

  3. Choking Trap-Bridge-Roll - Perform this 50x.

  4. Striking Trap-Bridge-Roll - Perform this 50x.

  5. Random Trap-Bridge-Roll to Hip Escape - Perform this 10 sets of 10x


Trap, Bridge, and Roll


Trap-Bridge-Roll to Hip Escape

Partner Drill

Mount Escapes Training - Mission 3

Trap-Bride-Roll to Hip Escape 

Part 1

It is recommended that you are comfortable with the Trap-Bridge-Roll and Hip Escape techniques before proceeding to this mission. This mission is designed to be repeated as many times as you feel necessary. If using as a review, perform less reps.

  1. Choose a Warm-Up before proceeding with this training mission.

  2. Trap-Bridge-Roll to Hip Escape -

    1. Low Post - Perform this 50x.

    2. High Post - Perform this 50x.

    3. Arms Pinned - Perform this 50x.

  3. Random Trap-Bridge-Roll to Hip Escape - Use the previous three techniques - Perform this 50x.

Mount Escapes Training - Mission 4

Trap-Bridge-Roll to Hip Escape - Part 2 

It is recommended that you are comfortable with the Trap-Bridge-Roll and Hip Escape techniques before proceeding to this mission. This mission is designed to be repeated as many times as you feel necessary. If using as a review, perform less reps.

  1. Choose a Warm-Up before proceeding with this training mission.

  2. Trap-Bridge-Roll to Hip Escape -

    1. Headlock - Perform this 50x.

    2. Choking - Perform this 50x.

    3. Striking - Perform this 50x.

    4. Random Trap-Bridge-Roll to Hip Escape - Use the previous three techniques - Perform this 50x.

    5. Random Trap-Bridge-Roll to Hip Escape - All previous techniques - Perform this 50x.

High Mount Escapes

As promised, here is one of the worse positions to be stuck in on the ground, and why. If you can avoid it, all the better. If you get stuck here, it is imperative we know how to mitigate the crisis and get out. There are a few other drills we’ll cover in our future partner videos to show you how to manage the striking to a higher degree of success. Until then, practice what you can so you are proficient in these movements.

Randy Brown

MISSION - To empower you through real martial arts training. Provide you a welcoming atmosphere to train in a safe manner with good people that you can trust.