Advance your skills, coordination, balance, reaction speed, and more.
Learn my Mantis Boxing
A friend of mine, another martial arts instructor, asked me a question a few years ago during a lengthy debate on ‘forms in martial arts and their efficacy’. A conversation we later recorded for everyone’s benefit.
He asked,
“if you die (I’m quite sure he was plotting to kill me), how will your students know what your methods, or system was?”
His argument was accompanied by a challenge to create my own form. A boxing set that represents all, or at least most, of my mantis boxing methods for all of you.
So I took my experience learning over 50 of these boxing forms early on in my training, and used this to lay the framework for my very own set. My Summary Boxing Set, or Zhāi Yào 摘要. Which literally means a summary.
This set is comprised of a wide variety techniques hailing from the 4 pillars of mantis boxing - strikes, kicks, throws, and submissions. Includes combinations & counters. Trips, takedowns, chokes, and locks. All methods that I use in sparring. Tested for years on my mats by me, and my students.
This is a perfect way for you to practice these techniques on your own, or with a partner and continue to advance your skills, coordination, balance, reaction speed, and more. Training your body to recognize and tweak these movement patterns (fighting techniques) so when it comes time to use them for real, your body is not stopping to ask your mind - “how do I move my arm, leg, etc to pull this off?”
Isn’t this Free?
Sneak peek of a few of the exciting mantis boxing moves you’ll learn in this course!
You may be asking yourself, “Didn’t you release this boxing set for free to the entire world on YouTube? What is the point of this course?”
Good question. One I would be asking in your shoes. The answer is simple.
Combat Applications!!!
Any martial art form, kata, taolu, boxing set in and of itself, is an empty shell. Without the functional component behind the parts and pieces inside the shell, it is nothing more than a nominally useful martial dance routine.
Know the WHAT, and WHY!
Inside this course you will not only learn my summary boxing set, you’ll see what the moves do in combative applications and how to apply them. In my experience, an invaluable treasure. A storehouse of knowledge for you to refer to as you train with me. Something I ‘never’ had in my years of training all manner of styles of Chinese boxing from a variety of teachers. In that time I only ever had one mantis boxing coach that carried form and fighting together under one roof.
A fact that may seem inconsequential to many of you whose first martial art experience was training with me, where your in-person classes are filled with drilling application with a partner, followed by sparring. This lexicon is something I believe you will come to appreciate over time and will help you to visualize what the moves do as you practice, or to train them with a partner and learn how to really use mantis boxing.
One last thing - I hope you enjoy this set as much as I did creating it for you.
*course included with Legacy Boxer and Supreme Ultimate Boxer memberships